We currently provide hot meals on wheels Monday to Friday covering most of East anglia.
All food is cooked from fresh ingredients prepared same day and delivered to your door by one of our friendly support staff.
A different dish is offered each day for two weeks, including sweet, or we can cater for your dietary requirements e.g. diabetic and vegetarian etc.
If you don't like a dish then we always offer you an alternative one.
All meals £6 including main delivery and dessert.
luncheon clubs are available enabling customers to experience a social setting where good wholesome food is served from one of our reception centres.
Payment is simple Cash, Cheque or direct debit. If you're caring for an elderly relative or friend we understand how hard and difficult this can be and using our service takes away one less thing to worry about.
We work under strict ethics and guide lines which have made us popular with Age concern and local social services who rate us highly (see feedback ).